Editorial: We help your writing stand out.

Whether it’s in English or German, we improve your word choice, clarity, and structure, ensuring your writing has the impact it deserves. Our editors will help to strengthen your argumentation and craft the most appropriate writing to express your intentions. Contact us to discuss your project.

Proofreading: We give your writing, manuscript, or layout the finishing touches to ensure it is ready for presentation or publication.

We examine your writing thoroughly for grammar, orthography, and style. We also review typesetting and layout to ensure clean documents and texts. Contact us to discuss your project.

Translation: We specialize in German to English and English to German translation.

Our translators are native speakers in their target languages, with experience in a variety of specialist fields and contexts. Our sophisticated translations transpose your ideas from one cultural context to another, while ensuring the accuracy and intention of your writing is preserved. Contact us to discuss your project.

Book project management: We help you make books by managing the editorial and production process.

We support you during all relevant steps of book production and oversee its management: this includes communication, timeline and logistical coordination, technical production as well as editing, proofreading and translation. In short, we help to guide your project from beginning to end. Contact us to discuss how we can support you.